Tuesday, December 21, 2010
the pretty girl
there is a castle was big and some peopls like the princess and the princess think that she dont want to marry and one boy was a prince he like the princess to and the prince go to the princess house and the prince said to the princess that can i marry you and the princess said yes and the prince was happy and they get marry and they live happy after the end
Thursday, December 16, 2010
my love
my love
once upon a time there was a girl name Emily.On her frist day of school she liked someone in her class and his name was sam..Emily had a big crush on him..Nobody knew but her best friend esther know's....Esther liked sam to but esther didn't want to tell emily that cause she will get mad at her...Emily went up stair and ask sam"umm.....would you like to ummmm.... never mind..,"Esther saw them and wanted to go up to them but instead she went to the lunch room..When sam came to the lunch room he knew he was so scared to go ask esther out....esther didn't know that but everone else know's thst cause they didn't want Emily to know..They didn't tell emily that because they knew she's going to yell at them and get mad at them..Esther heard poeple talking about that sam like's esther...Esther was so happy she went up to sam and ask him out but be fore she can ask emily came up and interuped..Esther got so mad she yelled at emily and she ran away to the bathroom..And now it was her peace time with sam..Everybody didn't care if emily cry's because emily's alway's mean to poeple all the time.....
Next thing esther ask sam out ang sam said yes....
so emily was so mad her went home and hund herself...but her parent came right on time...
Esther and Sam lived happily ever after.....
The end...........
once upon a time there was a girl name Emily.On her frist day of school she liked someone in her class and his name was sam..Emily had a big crush on him..Nobody knew but her best friend esther know's....Esther liked sam to but esther didn't want to tell emily that cause she will get mad at her...Emily went up stair and ask sam"umm.....would you like to ummmm.... never mind..,"Esther saw them and wanted to go up to them but instead she went to the lunch room..When sam came to the lunch room he knew he was so scared to go ask esther out....esther didn't know that but everone else know's thst cause they didn't want Emily to know..They didn't tell emily that because they knew she's going to yell at them and get mad at them..Esther heard poeple talking about that sam like's esther...Esther was so happy she went up to sam and ask him out but be fore she can ask emily came up and interuped..Esther got so mad she yelled at emily and she ran away to the bathroom..And now it was her peace time with sam..Everybody didn't care if emily cry's because emily's alway's mean to poeple all the time.....
Next thing esther ask sam out ang sam said yes....
so emily was so mad her went home and hund herself...but her parent came right on time...
Esther and Sam lived happily ever after.....
The end...........
Thursday, December 9, 2010
My mom and dad
I miss my mom and dad. When I go to school I miss my mom and dad. When I go anywhere if I don't see my mom and dad I feel like I kind of like I am crying. If I go to a flied trip a long time I miss my mom and dad. I love my mom and dad. When I go anywhere I dont like Imiss my mom and dad. When I go with someone I dont like or know I feel like he or she like my mom and dad. I love my family and my baby brother Anthony and my grandma and grandpa and my dad's sister too.
the girl was happy
one upon a time was a girl name is pa ying like to play outside and like to do snowbolls baday and like to play toy then. more yers she like to play boll now and she jumped in the pund she said i jump in the pund now and the girl feels sad now she jump in now. the end my mom and dad mom went i go to school i miss you a lost and can we go play now mom and dad.
a boy
once a time there live a little boy who was poor nobody like him at all. people was testsent him because he don't have dad and the bed people decide to kill the little boy. and they go to the boy house an say that they will be the little boy's friend and they take the boy to the forist and then they kill the boy and thorer the boy in the water. an old man find the little and he take the boy home and the boy is save and he grow up and the old man tech him how to fight and he went back to his house and he fight all the poeple that fight him and then he became the qeen of all town @_@.....................the end.
Hmong Smile
Once apon atime there were a hmong girl Kamki. Her parent has pass away in far to the sky sometime she think that she saw one of them being with her. Her only Future she has is her grandma. one day there were guy Hario he spoke to the valiage that there is a young dude he always sad,no has ever make him smile and if anyone could make him smile he will be their pride. Kamki grandma knew Kamki could do it cause she a kind young girl. Grandma went to the hmong valiage and bough Kamki beautiful cloth to her.
"Kamki I has something for you and it very good."
"Grandma grandma i miss you where did you go why you didn't--- grandma interupe by shown the gife to Kamki "What that grandma"
"It for you"
"For what"
"I want you to make the young boy happy i want you to marry him."
"For real"
" Yes"
"aww thank you grandma you're the best." Kamki hug granma with the biggest hug she ever done. "look at that girl she wear dump cloth and we wear pretty dresses" Hannie said in a mean way.Kamki heard that it make her fell bad on her way to the young son. The two girl ran in front of her. Hannie ran to the son and dance next to him it make her feel even bord he ignored passed. Manie,Hanie twins sister she sing but it make the son feel like crying he yelled passed. Kamki turn she said in a sweet voice "would you dance with me'
"Ofcourse" Replied the son ,umm what your name"
"nice to meet you" he said with a little smile. Kamki exciting steo on the son feet it make the son smile. "What you name" Kamki asked
"Leoky." people looked at them they think the son will marry her, no one know his name not even his parent, Kamki the first one to know his name. Hannies scream"AHHHHH stupid girl stolen my boy friend" but kamki wasn't hear Hannie talking cause she has fallen for Leoky. After the dance Leoky smile and said "you make me smile and your the first one to know my name so would you marry me."
"SURE,ummmy yes i will" kamki siad in a big smile.
So they live happlie ever after.
Once apon atime there were a hmong girl Kamki. Her parent has pass away in far to the sky sometime she think that she saw one of them being with her. Her only Future she has is her grandma. one day there were guy Hario he spoke to the valiage that there is a young dude he always sad,no has ever make him smile and if anyone could make him smile he will be their pride. Kamki grandma knew Kamki could do it cause she a kind young girl. Grandma went to the hmong valiage and bough Kamki beautiful cloth to her.
"Kamki I has something for you and it very good."
"Grandma grandma i miss you where did you go why you didn't--- grandma interupe by shown the gife to Kamki "What that grandma"
"It for you"
"For what"
"I want you to make the young boy happy i want you to marry him."
"For real"
" Yes"
"aww thank you grandma you're the best." Kamki hug granma with the biggest hug she ever done. "look at that girl she wear dump cloth and we wear pretty dresses" Hannie said in a mean way.Kamki heard that it make her fell bad on her way to the young son. The two girl ran in front of her. Hannie ran to the son and dance next to him it make her feel even bord he ignored passed. Manie,Hanie twins sister she sing but it make the son feel like crying he yelled passed. Kamki turn she said in a sweet voice "would you dance with me'
"Ofcourse" Replied the son ,umm what your name"
"nice to meet you" he said with a little smile. Kamki exciting steo on the son feet it make the son smile. "What you name" Kamki asked
"Leoky." people looked at them they think the son will marry her, no one know his name not even his parent, Kamki the first one to know his name. Hannies scream"AHHHHH stupid girl stolen my boy friend" but kamki wasn't hear Hannie talking cause she has fallen for Leoky. After the dance Leoky smile and said "you make me smile and your the first one to know my name so would you marry me."
"SURE,ummmy yes i will" kamki siad in a big smile.
So they live happlie ever after.
A girl
A girl
Once upon a time there was a girl named lucy.She lived with her dad and had no mom.When she went to school her dad took her there.All her friends were waiting for her at the door.They all went to class and so did her friends..There were two friends that didn't like her at all.When lucy was about to sit then one of the girl pulled the chair and lucy felled.All the people in her class stared to laugh at her..Then lucy stared to cry as she went to the bathroom.She felt shy cause of that.
Then year's went by.Now they are 17 year old now.They all went to the prom dance and lucy was the person who came the lasted.The two person that hated lucy they were jelis because all the boy's were staring at her too even the boy's that they liked too.They were so jelis that they got so mad they made an plan.The plan was to......was to.....was to.....kill her...While lucy was haveing fun with all the boy's they were tring to make the plan work.When they notice that lucy was going into the bathroom they follwed her into the bathroom,they brought a knife with them too!When lucy was about to put on her make-up one of the girl came right up to her and stabed her on the back.Now they dont know what to do next.So they pretend that she killed her self.They put the knife right next to her too!They ran down stiars screaming that lucy is dead..Evey body thought that they are lying but they are telling the truth.One of the person said that they are lying and that person whent up stairs and checked in the bathroom.Next thing she knew she was the second person screaming pout of the bathroom.Now they all belive them and went up stairs..they called the police but they didn't let them called the police..Now they are tring to kill all of them.But some of them got away and called the police.When the police came Two of the person that killed lucy got arrested for killing lucy and they got wittness.. Now they went to jailed..Lucy was put in the grave too.Lucy wont forget it she will get revege back soon..
to be contine maybe....... THE END
Once upon a time there was a girl named lucy.She lived with her dad and had no mom.When she went to school her dad took her there.All her friends were waiting for her at the door.They all went to class and so did her friends..There were two friends that didn't like her at all.When lucy was about to sit then one of the girl pulled the chair and lucy felled.All the people in her class stared to laugh at her..Then lucy stared to cry as she went to the bathroom.She felt shy cause of that.
Then year's went by.Now they are 17 year old now.They all went to the prom dance and lucy was the person who came the lasted.The two person that hated lucy they were jelis because all the boy's were staring at her too even the boy's that they liked too.They were so jelis that they got so mad they made an plan.The plan was to......was to.....was to.....kill her...While lucy was haveing fun with all the boy's they were tring to make the plan work.When they notice that lucy was going into the bathroom they follwed her into the bathroom,they brought a knife with them too!When lucy was about to put on her make-up one of the girl came right up to her and stabed her on the back.Now they dont know what to do next.So they pretend that she killed her self.They put the knife right next to her too!They ran down stiars screaming that lucy is dead..Evey body thought that they are lying but they are telling the truth.One of the person said that they are lying and that person whent up stairs and checked in the bathroom.Next thing she knew she was the second person screaming pout of the bathroom.Now they all belive them and went up stairs..they called the police but they didn't let them called the police..Now they are tring to kill all of them.But some of them got away and called the police.When the police came Two of the person that killed lucy got arrested for killing lucy and they got wittness.. Now they went to jailed..Lucy was put in the grave too.Lucy wont forget it she will get revege back soon..
to be contine maybe....... THE END
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
bony leg
one opon a time there are a old woldmen live next to a famliy one is pa houa,pa nou,and there mom and dad. Then the little girls they want to the old woldmen hous and asked the old woldmen and the old woldmen asked the two girl too.then the next day the old woldmen die.the two girl did not noe that the old woldmen die they went to the oldmen houe.
the little hmong girl
the little hmong girl
Once there was a little girl who lived in a small village. She had only a grandma to carry her future life. She was only 12 years old and very good listener. One day she went to go get water at the river, she heard a scream in the forest. She expected that the person who srceamed was safe. So, she decide not to check out the problem. While she was heading back home, she heard a person screamed again. So, she was frighten and wanted to go home and tell her grandmother. When she made it home, she told all about the things that she heard while she was on her way back from getting water. So her grandma told her a story, " the little hmong girl". As she is telling the story, the little hmong girl started to get goosebumps. After she finished the story, the little hmong girl felt better and was happy. The next week, it was hmong new year and she was ready to go play ball tossing with her friends. As she was playing with her friends, there was a little hmong boy came by and said, can I play ball toss with you? So, the little girl was scared but, she decided to say, "yes". While they were playing ball toss, the boy said that, "if you drop the ball, you give me one of your equiped clothing. The first, she made it fell. The second, she made it fell too. the third, she made it fell and she lost all her jewelrys. So, the little boy said the him that you had lost all of your jewelry. In order to get your stuff back, you got to marry me. So, the little girl decided to do what the little boy said. And the little boy and little girl lived happily ever after, THE END.
BY: Phoua Yang
on sunday afternoon i went slade with pang, esther, phoua, and ka, and april. we was slieing the hill. we thried to make the slade fall down and it's warver clood. we do lot's of fun in the snow. that day was on good to make snow but is good to do snow injous. then we went huome. than i took all of my winter close out and i fall bader.
onece apon a time there were a girl name Kamki. One day she went to school and there some bully kids wanted to kick her cause she pretty then all girls in the school and they were joulous. Kamki knew that they going to figth her, he r friend told her yestherday so she knew it would happen. Kamki wonder where they waited fo her. Every time Kamki get mad her eyes turn red and her skin turn blue. No one know that, Kamki never wantted to happen but it just came it self and turn her like that. Akmki walk to school cause she a walker no one walk with her to school.Hannah and her 4 friend waited near the sidewalk to school. Kamki ran but fanilly she saw them cKamki ran fast but hannah was al little faster Hannah chas her,hannah hold her shirt and pull her and push very hard and it make her fall to the ground, her elbow got bled and her ness pant rip and her ness bled she try not to get mad but it making her feel very tirrabble her eyes star to get red. Hannah hold her shirt and stand her up and see her eyes were red hannah let go and scream Minah,hannah friend help hannah stand up."did u see Kamki eyes it red not normal. kamki stod up her skinn turn blue and wind blew. Pushing the five girl. "you girls stay away from me or u will die" screaming in a moster voice.
"Were sorry we'll not do it again plese let us go"
The five girl ran to school, Kamki fall down for a while then she stod up and she though hat has happen she said "ummm wierd" her pant were back to normal and she doesn't bled at all. Kamki ran to school.
"Were sorry we'll not do it again plese let us go"
The five girl ran to school, Kamki fall down for a while then she stod up and she though hat has happen she said "ummm wierd" her pant were back to normal and she doesn't bled at all. Kamki ran to school.
the three little bear's
The three little bears..
Once upon a time there was three bear's..they have no name but there name is just bears...While the three little bears have dinner they went out for fresh air..Then this girl saw this house in the forest..she looked in the window then she open the door and went inside..first she smelled the soup and tried three of the soup's..She tried every thing...
She tried the soup,the bed,and even the chair's..
She slept in the baby's bed...When the thr little bear's came back from the fresh air the notice that some body been tring every thing...When they got up stair'sand saw the little girl in the little's bear's bed...When she saw them she woke up and ran out the window...After that the three little bear's never saw her agian....
Once upon a time there was three bear's..they have no name but there name is just bears...While the three little bears have dinner they went out for fresh air..Then this girl saw this house in the forest..she looked in the window then she open the door and went inside..first she smelled the soup and tried three of the soup's..She tried every thing...
She tried the soup,the bed,and even the chair's..
She slept in the baby's bed...When the thr little bear's came back from the fresh air the notice that some body been tring every thing...When they got up stair'sand saw the little girl in the little's bear's bed...When she saw them she woke up and ran out the window...After that the three little bear's never saw her agian....
The three little pig's
The three littie pig's
Once upon a time there was three little pig's.. The three little pig was leaving. They are going to a vacation. The first pig make a stral's house. The secend pig make a stick house. The third pig make a brick house. There was a fox that eta pig's.One day the fox was hurrgy. He whent to the first pig's house. The fox blow of her house. The fox bkow the secend pig's house down. The fox blow down the third pig's house down, but the fox can't the fox clime up to the chimmy the fox fell down to the pot.The fox ran out the door.
Once upon a time there was three little pig's.. The three little pig was leaving. They are going to a vacation. The first pig make a stral's house. The secend pig make a stick house. The third pig make a brick house. There was a fox that eta pig's.One day the fox was hurrgy. He whent to the first pig's house. The fox blow of her house. The fox bkow the secend pig's house down. The fox blow down the third pig's house down, but the fox can't the fox clime up to the chimmy the fox fell down to the pot.The fox ran out the door.
I love the color blue becuz it makes me remind me of u.I love the color blue becuz i really really miss u i want u to know that baby.when i look at u it makes me want to cry baby becuz ur so good to chop bamboo!I love ya babe4life.I will be waiting for u.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Scavenger Hunt at MOA
The scavenger hunt at MOA was really fun. It took
teamwork and courage for us to win.
We were slpit into groups by our sites.
Dunedin won because they had the most items found.
We were helping each other with everything.
We gave each other ideas.
When we found the item, we took pictures as
evidence that we found it.
We did our best, at first I thought that our team wouldn't win,
but when Stephanie was counting them all up,
we won!
Dairy Queen was our prize which was awesome!
We had lots of fun.
Courage and teamwork really helps winning!
my fiend
i was play wiff my , fiend at home and my fiend .came to my home and i came to his home becusen. we was a bast, fiend and i has 5 fiends.
last saturday we went the mall of american and it very fun.
we got to try some free food it very good. Our team won, we got dairy queen.
i got ring deer ice cream. We got to search the stuff that writen on the list then we need to find it and we got the most, we got 40 some thing. And we got a little time to go to see some store i went to Aeropostale and Old navy.
we got to try some free food it very good. Our team won, we got dairy queen.
i got ring deer ice cream. We got to search the stuff that writen on the list then we need to find it and we got the most, we got 40 some thing. And we got a little time to go to see some store i went to Aeropostale and Old navy.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
My birthday
Taday is my birthday
and i was gay
my friend stay to eat some hay
Went to the corner bough me some candy
aint got it no more it got it no more
Went to the shore build me a castle
ain't got it no more it got it no more
Went to the kictchen write me a peom
still got it still got it
Taday is my birthday
and i was gay
my friend stay to eat some hay
Went to the corner bough me some candy
aint got it no more it got it no more
Went to the shore build me a castle
ain't got it no more it got it no more
Went to the kictchen write me a peom
still got it still got it
A short note
Dear my love,
I wanted to say that i love you the most.
I will never leave you untill i die first.Dear my love please please please dont leave me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanted to say that i love you the most.
I will never leave you untill i die first.Dear my love please please please dont leave me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go play
My famile went to valley fair. It was fun, i got to ride the wild thing. It was really scary! Well the best part is when we got to go swimming. The other part that I like too was the treats! I ate the ice cream, other candy. We spent 6 hours at there i got to ride alot of fun ride! It was the funiest time of my life. We even got a prize it was a big dog+bear.Then we went home, i didnt want to go home :(.
365 days of love
365 Days of Love
Love, Love, Love
What's up with all the love in the world
Lonely, happy, quiet, sad, mad, and etc.
I wish that love can cure a sickness
If love is powerful, everybody in the world would be very happy
They won't argue, get along, share things or secrets, no killing, no shooting,
No dying, No sickness, and etc.
If there is no love in this world,the world would be like a prison
Roses are red, violets are blue.
Honey are sweet, so as you!
The color blue represents sadness.
The color blue makes me miss you.
The color red stands for love.
The color red makes me crazy for love.
People say love is the most important thing.
Sometimes you just gotta step away.
People say love is all you need.
Sometimes you just gotta ignore it.
Love is important, get it when you need it.
Leave it when you need to.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Season of Leaves
Summer has passed, Fall steps in.
The warm air is gone, and now comes the breeze.
The swimmingsuits are put away and now is time to
put on the sweaters.
The leaves fall, at dawn, at night, and everytime they wanna.
All you can see on the ground is colors.
All types of colors of leaves fill up the backyard.
This Fall season reminds me of you.
This season makes me miss you more then anything else.
It's not gonna be the same for a while.
Promise me, that I will always be the
one in your heart.
And that no matter what happens, you won't
forget me!!
The Lovely RED

The Lovely Red
I like the color Red becuz it makes me think of u
I like the color Red becuz it makes me reminds of u
I will Be there waiting for u baby my love is true for u
The final heart beat will be waiting for u baby ur the one
I will wait for u baby girl till u come back to me
Hope ya love this poem
BY:Chou Thao
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Back To School.....
Back To School!!!
School is the most important thing to every student.

Get education and you'll get a wonderful future.
College is also important.
If you go to college and be sucessful, you can get a wonderful job
for a living. Never give up, always try.
Be sucessful and live the Best You Can!!!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Zucchini Cake

Today we made zucchini cake at youth connections i can not wait until it is baked.
we have a gardan that is where we got the zucchini we have some other stuff like lettuce, cilantro,we also picked peas. we have wild flowers growing and we have beans, onions, eggplant, hot peppers, basil and tomatoes!
my 2nd day hows it going

Florida was fun. But, Busch Gardens is more funner. We get to ride all the fun, high, higher and scarier rides. I would say that the Sheikra is the scariest ride in Florida. The second one is the Montu. My favorite ride was the Raft, where you get to ride in a sort of like a canoe but it looks like a big car wheel and you and others just ride and follow the river, then suddenly there's water splashing you. Finally, it's the end of the day and the sun is setting.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Summer Wonder
I wonder how it will be this year
It's a different year full of wonders and hopes
Full of fun and boriness
Full of dull and exitement
Hope this summer is the best one of all
Hope there will be friendships and relationships
Hope the earth will become a way better place for everyone
to explore and to enjoy
Best of all hope everyone understands the love of God
and how important he is
Love him. Believe him. Have hope and faith.
Loving him is very important for
me and you and everybody!!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Fellowship with Flowers!
On Thursday we gave the invitations to the people.
We came to Youth Connections at 11.00 on Saturday.
We helped set up for our event.
We helped set up the food.
There were three adults helping us.
First we put the soil in the pot.
Some people help put the soil in the pot.
Then we put flowers inside it.
We chose the flowers to put in the pot.
You can put four kinds of flowers in each pot.
Some people were doing tags to put in the flower pots.
There are 60 pots and we had to fill them all!
After we were done, we gave them to people.
Elizabeath help put the address.
Then we give them to the people that are on the list.
We came to Youth Connections at 11.00 on Saturday.
We helped set up for our event.
We helped set up the food.
There were three adults helping us.
First we put the soil in the pot.
Some people help put the soil in the pot.
Then we put flowers inside it.
We chose the flowers to put in the pot.
You can put four kinds of flowers in each pot.
Some people were doing tags to put in the flower pots.
There are 60 pots and we had to fill them all!
After we were done, we gave them to people.
Elizabeath help put the address.
Then we give them to the people that are on the list.
The boys had to sweep. It was funny! Then the girls finished their job.
After we are done with all the things we have 30 min of freetime.
After we are done with all the things we have 30 min of freetime.
Thursday, March 25, 2010

April 4th.
Jesus died for us because he loves us and because he cares for us
He wants the best for us
No one will never die for someone besides love
Jesus loved us, he cared about us
He was tortured and harmed for us and so we could be safe from death
We should worship him, we should love him and care about him beacause
he saved our lives
He protects us from harm's way and he will always protect us no matter what
When ever we call for help he'll be there
He died on the cross to save us and we should love him and do everyhting
for him because one day we will go to heaven and live with him
and some will go to hell for not believing and loving him
He was the only one to save us human beings
We shall love him!!

spring is coming
spring is near
spring is a voice of the mother earth
which you can hear
spring is raining
spring is wet
spring is windy
spring is sunny
spring is funny
spring is growing strong and strong
spring is a sound which you hear everyday
spring is coming
soon, and really soon
so i can play like rain drops
spring is fun
spring can be hot like a sun
spring is really important
spring is spring
spring is coming
Spring is fun.

Spring is coming.
Leaves are growing in the trees.

Rain is falling down.
Snow is gone.
I like the color Red. 

Red is the color of my bed.
red is the color I like best.
When I get to the color red I alwas want to rest.
my pat on clubpenguin is name fred.
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Summer, Coming my Way
The fresh Summer air
swing by me
The blossoms on the trees reach out and hug me
The beautiful sun shine on me
The pretty blue sky
smiled at me when I looked up
The green grass by my side
The red roses on the ground, it reminds me of "Roses are red, violets are blue
honey is sweet, so are you"
And of course, you are sweet too
Summer will always be by my side, forever and always!!!
Walking By My Side
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The EarthQuake in Haiti
January 12, 2010 was when the earthquake occured in Haiti.
People in Haiti needs our help and attention very much, we should offer them help and make them feel happy because they're really harmed and we have to help eachother.
It was a diffcult time for them and if it happened to us we will have to help eachother out to be able to survive and have a wonderful life which we all hope for. The children in Haiti also needs our attention too, because they're are still little and needs a lot of help from us.
Even though we don't know who they are we still have to help them because when someone really needs your attention or help you have to help them out to make them feel happy and feel at home. Even though we dont want to help we still have to help because it's part of life to help others when they needed it.
Haiti was very harmed and if we think careful about rather should we help or not, I say we need to help them or do something for them that they really need.
to pass sixth grade and get into seven grade.
other is to get into college then get a job and marry.
NEXT:is to be really smart.
my other dream is to have happyness
My hope is to make my mom and dad proud of me.
my other hope is to be a doctor.
NEXT:is to get a dipolma and drive
to have a clean and fresh place to live.
LIKE:fresh water,fresh food,fresh fish ,fresh air and other.
Other is to help poor people that have less money get more.
my other things to help america is ;to help our evirmennt a better place to live.
help those creature that live under water like fish and other,have
fresh water to live so people can go swimming and other because if we don't have
clean water no animals will survie.
LIKE if people don't care about our evirment and just throw tasth in the water
that will make animals that live under water died and bird won't get
there food.
help those who needed jobs.
my other hope is to be america ideo
like a model.
My Dream
Dreams for myself: Is to become a movie star, a designer, a rich famous person in the United States. Another dream is that when I grow-up I want to travel all the worlds in the United States. The last one is that I want to go back to Thailand and live in Thailand just like the old days.
Dreams for country: That we will not have bad people in the United States. Another one is that we should all be treated the same way that everyone is being treated.
Dreams for the worlds: That we will not have more wars!!!!!!!!!!
Dreams for country: That we will not have bad people in the United States. Another one is that we should all be treated the same way that everyone is being treated.
Dreams for the worlds: That we will not have more wars!!!!!!!!!!
I have a dream

I have a dream that someday I was octimisprime.To be a race car driver. To be a superheros.To be a dragon thats blow fire.To be spider-man.
I have a dream To fit in any cind of color of peaple.To make a world a better world and a better plase.To stop the world of fiting.To help peaple thats need help.To has a nother good rule of helpful.To find a nother things that con help peaple that are poor.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Words to describe our winter break.
Played computer
Read Sugar Sugar Rune
Played with my dolls
Ate eggrolls
Ate Hmong food
Watched PBSKids and CWKids
Wore make-up
Played with my hot wheels
Watched Transformers

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