Thursday, March 25, 2010

The spring is here soon be summer.
In the spring and summer I seed kids plaing.
It make me feel like I'm a new girl.
People like spring and summer because it make feel like a new people.
I like summer and spring because I can see my friend.

April 4th.
Jesus died for us because he loves us and because he cares for us
He wants the best for us
No one will never die for someone besides love
Jesus loved us, he cared about us
He was tortured and harmed for us and so we could be safe from death
We should worship him, we should love him and care about him beacause
he saved our lives
He protects us from harm's way and he will always protect us no matter what
When ever we call for help he'll be there
He died on the cross to save us and we should love him and do everyhting
for him because one day we will go to heaven and live with him
and some will go to hell for not believing and loving him
He was the only one to save us human beings
We shall love him!!

spring is coming
spring is near
spring is a voice of the mother earth
which you can hear
spring is raining
spring is wet
spring is windy
spring is sunny
spring is funny
spring is growing strong and strong
spring is a sound which you hear everyday
spring is coming
soon, and really soon
so i can play like rain drops
spring is fun
spring can be hot like a sun
spring is really important
spring is spring

spring is coming

Spring is coming. Spring is going to be hot and fun. I will go outside eveyday. Iwill play at the park cross from me. Iwill help my mom plant flowers. The flowers is going to grow. I will watch the flowers grow.


Spring is fun.
Spring is coming.

Leaves are growing in the trees.

Rain is falling down.

Snow is gone.


I like the color Red.
Red is the color of my bed.

red is the color I like best.

When I get to the color red I alwas want to rest.

my pat on clubpenguin is name fred.